About Me

Serhii Shramko with photography camera



Hi there, I'm Serhii. I am a developer at MacPaw web team, where my team develops cool sites and internal projects for the company. I'm passionate about frontend development and trying to be better than yesterday.

Before Russian invasion of Ukraine, I have been a mentor and tutor for TS, React and HTML courses at HTML Academy.


 – present.

Senior Developer at MacPaw 🐾

MacPaw develops software for iOS and MacOS. Their products include CleanMyMac, Setapp, Gemini Photos and more. MacPaw‘s active user base exceeds 30 million worldwide. Every fifth Mac on Earth has at least one app by MacPaw.

  • Mentored junior developers and interns as part of the MacPaw Bootcamp; guided a team with 2 developers.
  • Rewrote JP's website using Next.js, resulting in a 30% improvement in web vitals.
  • Refactored the imgix code in PHP, decreased image size by 2-6 times 🔥
  • Delivered presentations and shared knowledge in internal Front-end meetings, enhancing team understanding of key concepts and best practices.


Frontend Developer at Phase One Karma

Phase One Karma created AI-driven anti-plagiarism checker with more than 1 million users worldwide Unicheck.

  • Found a bug in Webpack configuration. Decreased JS bundle size by 60 KB.
  • Migrated an old WordPress website to Gatsby, raised website to 95th percentile Web Vitals
  • Developed a new user dashboard from scratch using Next.js.
  • Established team guidelines for writing CSS and SCSS, standardizing code quality.


Frontend Developer at PDFfiller

One of four Ukrainian unicorn 🦄 company. PDFfiller is a comprehensive online document management platform and provides service to over 120,000 businesses around the world and in almost every industry.

  • Promoted from HTML coder to Frontend Engineer.
  • Improved internal UI framework by implementing shared classes,reducing the CSS bundle size by 5%.
  • Refactored Pug/Jade components to React, modernizing the codebase and improving maintainability and DX.
  • Enhanced website accessibility, ensuring compliance with WCAG standards and improving user experience for individuals with disabilities.


Frontend Developer at Hexa

Hexa - a small web studio that makes websites and turnkey solutions.

  • Transitioned manual email creation to the Foundation framefork,decreased creation time from 3 days to 1.
  • Developed and maintained different websites in collaboration with the backend team.


Master degree in Electromechanical Systems of Automation and Electric Drive at NMU.

Open Source


Mentor - HTML Academy

Mentored more than 30 individuals in React, TypeScript, JavaScript, and HTML courses.


Contributor - State of JS & CSS

Authored Ukrainian and Russian translations for the State of JS & CSS survey.

I love Eating, Parties, and Cars

Me with tennis cup